Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Recent viewing trends

If Inkheart got into a fight with Baghead, who would win?

Well, I do know that either of them could kick the ass of the Superman on display in Superman IV: The Quest for Peace.

I'll be back to regular blogging this week after getting to the end of this strange five-day period, which has featured a red-eye last Wednesday night, followed by four days split somewhat equally between New Hampshire, Maine and Massachusetts, followed by a flight back to LA arriving an hour late last night at 9 p.m., followed by jury duty today. I am actually blogging from one of the PCs made available to us in the jury waiting area -- which is why I can't download a picture to appear with this post. It's almost 3 o'clock, so I'm starting to think I might be out of the woods ... but Murphy would say that's right when they drop the hammer on you, so I'm remaining cautiously optimistic for now.

And as I write this, they're letting us go.

Until later ...

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