Saturday, October 24, 2009

Here comes the Saw again ...

Falling on my head like a guillotine
Falling on my head like a new contusion
Oooh -- oooh ow!

I want to walk on a broken shin
I want to cook like human stew
I want to dive into your blowtorch
Is it Sawing with you?

So baby butcher me
Like human stew
Chop up me
Like human stew
Crockpot me
Like human stew

(Dental drill solo)

Here comes the Saw again
Sawing in my head like a -- well, like a saw
Tearing me apart like a knife intrusion
Oooh -- oooh ow!

I want to breathe in the poison blend
I want to kiss a vat of acid goo
I want to stretch out on your sawhorse
Is it Sawing with you?

So baby eat through me
Like acid goo
Dissolve my teeth
Like acid goo
Melt my knees
Like acid goo

(Chainsaw solo)

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