Friday, May 20, 2011


I'm picking my wife and son up from the airport in about an hour. I can't wait to see them again.

While they were gone for 11 days in Australia, I had planned to host a film festival for one. Not something I would curate or premeditate -- at least, not in total -- just a long marathon of watching films. A goal that would be complicated by my need to watch basketball and baseball games (I actually went to a Dodgers game on Monday) and to clear all my episodes of Fringe off the DVR, to compensate for the DVR rapidly filling up while she was out of town.

In the end, I watched 18 movies in 11 days. Which I think is pretty impressive, since there were two whole days (last Tuesday and this past Monday) when I didn't watch any. So that means an average of two a day on the days I was watching. Which is about how I planned it.

Here are the movies I watched, in order:

Get Low
Deep Impact

Moulin Rouge
El Topo
Something Wild
Crank High Voltage
Middle Men
Henry Poole Is Here
Enter the Void
Morvern Callar
Chariots of Fire
Blades of Glory
The Holy Mountain

And here are some stats:

- Seven were movies I'd seen, 11 were movies I hadn't seen
- 17 movies were in English and one was in Spanish
- 17 were movies I liked (at least a little bit) and one was a movie I didn't like (though to be fair, only 10 of these were new movies I liked -- I obviously liked all the films I chose to revisit)
- Three were in the theater
- One was from my own collection
- Four were Netflix DVD rentals
- Five were library rentals
- Four were Netflix streaming
- One was a Redbox rental
- Six were from the 2010s, six were from the 2000s, one was from the 1990s, two were from the 1980s and three were from the 1970s
- Six were dramas, three were action movies, three were experimental, three were comedies, one was a disaster movie, one was a musical and one was a horror
- Chinatown was chosen as the "closing night film" and was finished at about 1:30 this morning after a brief nap. Don't worry, I didn't miss a minute (and I'd already seen it anyway, just about two decades ago). As a result, it gets the poster art for this post.

Bonus points to anyone who can figure out which movies were which in all of the above categories.

So I ended up pretty satisfied with my movie binge. Were there movies I considered seeing that didn't get watched? Sure. But you can't see everything. Lord knows I've tried.

Now to figure out what movie to watch tonight when my wife inevitably crashes at about 8 p.m. from all the jet lag ...

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