Friday, June 29, 2012

This poster is unintentionally hilarious

I mean, come on.

Are they just trying to underscore the absurdity of a man in a spider suit?

It's so close-up and confrontational, but in a way entirely lacking in mystery.

It's funny how much more I liked the idea of Spider-Man before there were Spider-Man movies.

I thought Sam Raimi's Spider-Man was pretty good, and I thought the sequel was better. But then I never saw the third one. And I never saw the point of rebooting it like two years after the last one came out.

But that's a pretty standard anti-reboot argument, and I try not to make too many standard arguments on this blog.

No, I'm really here to tell you that I will be out of town for the next nine days, and so nine days from now may be the next time you see a post from me. Which means the next nine days won't contain too many fewer posts than the previous nine days, ha ha.

Seriously, I am a busy man. But there's busy and then there's traveling. Traveling is like busy squared.

I do hope that my trip back to New England, the region of my birth -- which will be the first trip for my son and the first summertime trip for my wife -- will afford me at least one opportunity to get out to the theater. My wife and I are scheming to carve out a date night, assuming my parents can bare to part with us for one of the evenings. (The guy they really want to see, their grandson, will be asleep anyway.) Seeking a Friend for the End of the World is our intended target.

And as for The Amazing Spider-Man?

Eh, I'll wait for its next reboot.

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