Friday, February 22, 2013

Programming note: I'm busy

Could you tell?

I have not watched a movie or written a blog post since Saturday.

In the intervening days I have hung curtain rods, assembled our new Ikea bed, cleaned our house for the arrival of my son's grandparents, observed my wife's birthday, been involved in a two-day team meeting at work, made two time-consuming dinners and welcomed the arrival of the aforementioned relatives yesterday.

Tomorrow, I start building a new fence to replace the one separating our house from our neighbor's.

Too bad ... I had a post to write about the hotly contested best animated feature Oscar, which has seen For Your Consideration billboards all over town for all of the movies, as well as each of them underwriting the local NPR station. But that's all the contemplation and analysis you'll get of that particular topic, unfortunately.

I will write about movies again, soon, I promise. 

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