Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Scarfs for Scafaria

I have two longer posts I'm working on right now, but as I don't seem to be getting much time to work on them, I thought I'd give you something short to tide you over.

Something, in fact, that barely crosses the threshold of being worth writing about, if it crosses it at all.

Then again, I've probably posted for lesser reasons than a little bit of wordplay.

Last night I went to see The Meddler, directed by Lorene Scafaria, and I wore a scarf. It's only a week away from winter here in the Southern Hemisphere (they switch seasons on the first of the month), and my wife -- who had been outside more recently than I had -- advised me to wear a scarf when I went to the movies last night. I was glad I did, though when I ran into a friend from my hometown at the grocery store after the movie, he chastised me about losing my New England weather-related toughness.

As for the actual movie, I think I've reached that point with Lorene Scafaria where I think she just doesn't work for me. I hated Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist, which she wrote, but I wasn't holding that against in her in summoning a huge amount of anticipation for her directorial debut, Seeking a Friend for the End of the World. When that too disappointed, I still was not overly discouraged, as I was definitely looking forward to her second directorial feature, The Meddler. At least in those other two movies, she was really going for something that didn't quite work. The Meddler I just found generic and uninteresting, aside from an enjoyable lead performance by Susan Sarandon. This despite the movie getting a ton of praise. It's probably her best movie, but that's not saying a lot, unfortunately.

Maybe the scarf would have been better to cover my eyes than my neck.

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