Saturday, March 24, 2018

The cynicism of Ocean's 8

It's dangerous to characterize a movie that qualifies as a "female version of something" as cynical. Even if it didn't risk offending half the population, it would also run contrary to traditional logic. The cynical approach is not to make something just because it could sell tickets to women, today's largest ticket-buying group, but rather to doubt it will do so effectively, so to make it secretly a movie of and starring men, that only sounds like a women's movie. I guess there could be a couple different types of cynicism at play here.

What I find cynical about Ocean's 8, beyond its attempt to cash in on recent trends (which any smart commercial item should probably do), is that its chosen its title strictly with sequels in mind.

When the title for this movie was first announced, the question on some lips was undoubtedly "Why eight?" Some skeptical feminists might have said "What, we get three fewer than the guys do?" Other optimistic feminists might have said "Yup -- it takes three fewer women to do any task than it would take guys."

Neither is really true. It's all about having sequel titles that don't overlap with existing titles.

If you want to make a sequel to Ocean's 8, what do you call it? Ocean's 9, of course, if you are staying consistent with the series' previous titling convention. Useful -- that title's not taken.

Then if you want to make a sequel to that, what do you call it? Ocean's 10, of course, if you are staying consistent with the series' previous titling convention. Useful -- that title's not taken either.

If you want to make a sequel to that, well then you have to get creative. But the original Ocean's series had only three movies, so maybe they are keeping their expectations realistic. Then again, anything a guy can do, a girl can do better, right?

Maybe the long con, as it were, is to have the seventh movie in the series be Ocean's 23, and get everyone who's still living (have we lost Carl Reiner yet?) together for a big crossover movie between the 13 Ocean guys and the 10 Ocean women.

Cynical? I guess in this day and age, "pragmatic" is the correct term.

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