Sunday, July 7, 2019

Bullshit scenes that were actually real

Most people were fans of Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation, but not me. I mean, I thought it was fine. I didn't get what all the fuss was about.

If you asked me to think of one thing to exemplify the problems I had with it, it was that scene where Ethan Hunt has to stick some doohickey in some slot while submerged underwater for what seemed like ten minutes. The scene went on for so long, with so few breaths taken by Hunt (i.e. none), that I remember myself thinking "Oh come on. It's a movie so you can strain credibility, but why would you strain it so far that you leave me no choice but to call bullshit?"

But here's the thing. It wasn't bullshit.

I read today that in the filming of that scene, Tom Cruise actually held his breath for six minutes.

My estimation of this guy's physical capabilities is already sky high after seeing all the stunts he's done in these movies. Now I learn he can also hold his breath for an ungodly amount of time?

(You probably knew this already, but what can I say. People learn things at different times. If I haven't learned it, it's new to me.)

Have you ever submerged yourself in a pool and tried holding your breath? I max out at about 90 seconds. And that's with turning purple in the face and forcing myself to the brink of unconsciousness. Granted, I think part of that is not knowing how long it's been, and maybe thinking you've been down there longer than you actually have. But I'm saying it takes superhuman abilities even to get to two minutes ... or maybe I just have weak lungs.

Cruise can hold his breath for three times that long.

I've read up online and and it is possible. It has something to do with a couple big inhales and a couple big exhales, and ultimately putting yourself into some kind of meditative state.

That's all well and good. But when I think "meditative state," I think of a person sitting in a yoga position, you know, with their palms facing the sky and their thumb touching their fingers. I don't think of a man thrashing around and trying to stick a doohickey into a slot.

The thing is, I don't really know why he had to hold his breath for six minutes. Unless I'm remembering it incorrectly, the action in that scene was way too complex to be captured in a single take. In fact, I'd guess there isn't a single take that lasts longer than 30 seconds. It wasn't Cruise I believed couldn't do it, because I understand how making movies works and I know he didn't need to. It was the character.

I might be able to read up more and find my answer, but I'm guessing it was the positioning necessary to do the 30-second take that required the held breath. He probably had to get down to his mark, do the shot, then swim back up for breath, all without passing out. And presumably with a flotilla of the world's best divers and medics standing by.

And though I probably should read more before posting a post like this, the point is not what the logistics were. The point is that he could actually do the thing I thought was such bullshit that it took me out of the movie.

Anyway, the legend of Tom Cruise grows.


  1. No, Tom Cruise can't hold his breath for that long. Tom TELLS people he can.

    There's a vast, vast difference between the two. You read about Tom doing that because he goes around making that claim. You never hear those claims from others. Now, you don't hear them debunking them, because they want to have careers in Hollywood, but you NEVER, EVER hear those stories originate from anywhere but his mouth.

    Kind of like his "we pulled 9Gs when I was in the F14" - complete nonsense.

  2. Okay, fair enough! I guess it works since even people who write blogs don't properly fact check it! :-)
