Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Cut it out

I noticed that another version of Apocalypse Now is releasing in theaters next month.

And rolled my eyes.

Oh, I'd be okay with a big screen re-release of the original Apocalypse Now. I probably wouldn't grouse about it, either, if they released the director's cut, even though I am not a fan of multiple cuts of the same movie being in existence, in general. It's existed for quite a long time so at least I wouldn't have anything new to grouse about.

But do we have to get another new cut, a third cut, of this classic movie?

This uncertainty about what movie you're talking about when you're talking about the movie is a thing that has plagued Blade Runner. I must say that I have lost a little of my love for Blade Runner just because there are so many damn versions of this movie floating around out there.

Will I have to do the same with Apocalypse Now?

Yeah, it'll be available on IMAX. That's cool. But really, it could have been the original version and still been on IMAX. When I watched Titanic on IMAX in conjunction with its 15th anniversary in 2012, that was cool and I enjoyed the experience. But at least it wasn't with 20 minutes' worth of new scenes that weren't good enough to be in the original movie.

To directors and studios who keep toying with the "ultimate, final, be-all-and-end-all" versions of their movies, I say:


Cut it out.

Please. For all our sakes.


  1. Amen! Mostly. I do think there are some cases where 2 versions are warranted. For me, it's when studio interference has caused the film released in theaters to be vastly different from the one the director intended to make. In those cases, just the 2 versions should be the end of it. I can't see a case where a third version should ever exist.

  2. Yeah I agree with the sentiment behind that, but I still think that once a movie is released, that should be it. You don't get to turn in your college paper a second time two weeks later with what you really think it should have been, do you? It's a flawed analogy but I subscribe to it anyway.
