Friday, November 29, 2019

TIL: Trent Reznor is scoring a Pixar film

When a person gets his life together, funny things can happen.

Trent Reznor, the primary and sometimes only creative force behind the band Nine Inch Nails, spent many years languishing in addiction and suicidal thoughts. He made only about one album every five years. They were brilliant, but they took him ages because he had so much personal baggage on his plate. (Can you have baggage on a plate? I like mixing metaphors.)

Ten years ago he married another musician, Mariqueen Maandig, and started churning out children, four to date. Instead of sapping his time, fatherhood has made him more productive, as he has made several new Nine Inch Nails album as well as scores to approximately 73 films, working closely with sometimes NIN band member Atticus Ross.

I never thought I would say it, but the man who penned the lyrics “I want to fuck you like an animal” is now scoring a Pixar movie. A Pixar movie about jazz, at that – a genre in which he expects to be working on the score. (And may already have been for the new Watchmen series?)

That movie is called Soul, and it’s coming out next June.

Although I miss the tortured heyday of Nine Inch Nails, it does my heart good that Reznor, at age 54, is feeling so much better now.

The last decade of his career has been a lot more about movie scores than Nine Inch Nails, and there’s almost a perfect line of demarcation with the start of the decade. Two thousand ten was when he submitted his first (and still best) score for The Social Network. He had supervised soundtracks before, such as Lost Highway and Natural Born Killers, but never had he previously scored an entire film. He’s obviously loved it as I can barely count the scores since then, which have included several more Fincher films, Patriots Day, Birdbox, Mid 90s, and so on.

But this latest development of scoring a children’s movie is another watershed moment for him. It feels kind of similar to Ice Cube going from “fuck tha police” to starring in kids movies about long and arduous road trips. But I was also happy for Cube when he entered his “Uncle Ice Cube” phase. It feels like a fair tradeoff in artistic credibility if it means you are also a happier person.

Although I always liked Reznor’s lyrics – they can be fun to scream at full volume, even if you are only pretending you are as anguished as he is – I would never have counted Nine Inch Nails as my favorite band if it weren’t for Reznor’s sonic inventiveness. Granted, many of those sounds were dark and industrial, as you can’t have angry lyrics over music that doesn’t sound angry. But even in the midst of his darkest periods, he wrote songs like “A Warm Place” from The Downward Spiral, which had a lot more optimism embedded in them.

Soul seems like a particularly warm place, even if it involves souls separated from their bodies in a kind of afterlife – think a high concept similar to Inside Out. And clearly he’s not worried what fans who fell for his aggressive despair will think. I mean, if he’s not feeling it, he can’t really make it.

If things hadn’t started going right for him, though, he might not still be here. Again, I’ll take it, and on Thanksgiving, I’ll give thanks for it.


  1. Being a NIN fan for over 25 years and having followed them for such a long time and seeing them live 5 times so far with my recent show I attended was last year. I'm excited by the idea of Trent & Atticus scoring a Pixar film as I think it's mainly a challenge they wanted to take but also give them a film that their children could see.

  2. I'm at just over 28 years! Autumn of 1991 for me! And I'm at six live shows, though two of those were festivals where other acts were playing.

    Yeah, I agree that this is a good opportunity for their kids to see something they've made. Everything else has been too intense; if not actually angsty, then involving bad language or violence.

    I only wish I connected a little more with the scores. They tend to be background to me, with the definite exception of The Social Network. Do you have a particular favorite to recommend among the other scores?

    Thanks for checking in!

  3. @Derek Armstrong-I haven't heard all of them as I hadn't really had the time or interest to listen to music but so far...

    1. Gone Girl
    2. The Social Network
    3. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
    4. Patriots Day
    5. Before the Flood

    I still need to hear the ones for Mid 90s, The Vietnam War, Waves, Bird Box, and the Watchmen TV series. I'm just trying to catch up on a few things since I no longer go to the Echoing the Sounds forum (because the people there are insane and are so self-righteous in their ultra-Leftists beliefs).

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  5. Hi Void,

    Somehow I missed this when you first posted your response. It took an Illuminati spam to draw my attention to it! :-O

    You've got the same #1 and #2 as I do, but I would flip them. I found Dragon Tattoo too long and indulgent, so I guess I'd drive that down to #last, but as you say, much to catch up on. Thanks for giving me a list to go from!
