Saturday, January 9, 2021

Acknowledging the awfulness

When you write a blog about something as ultimately frivolous as movies, you have a duty to consider how what you write appears in the moment it goes live, whether it's in sync with what's happening in the world.

Whimsical stories about movies I'm watching before closing my year-end list, and previews of my upcoming 2021 viewing projects, are not in sync with an angry pro-Trump mob trying to overthrow the government, and even possibly considering mock trials and executions of leaders of the party that holds opposing views.

But if I stop writing about movies, the terrorists win.

Even Mike Pence, of all people, told the terrorists -- because that's what they were -- "You did not win today." And in truth, they did not. They created some havoc, and unfortunately the loss of five lives (four of which were their own), but the physical damage to the building can be repaired. The emotional and foundational damage to the country may take a lot longer.

That said, let's hope it was a wakeup call to everyone involved that a dangerous and violent fringe element of the country no longer has any business speaking for people who may hold similar views, but would never engage in similar tactics. Chances are, the greatest damage they did to anybody on Wednesday was to their own personal lives and livelihoods, and to the cause they mistakenly think has any validity outside of the feverish despair of a manchild who can't admit defeat.

So after this brief respite I will return to writing about movies, because that's what I do.

The terrorists could not derail the time-honored mechanisms of government, and they cannot derail me either.

And in 11 days, there will be a new president who brings with him a new hope of better days ahead.