Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Today, it ends. Today, it begins.

Please allow me to take a break in the movie action to celebrate the end of Donald Trump's presidency.

It's really tomorrow for many of you, but I want this post to have January 20th, 2021 as its timestamp on my blog. If I wait until tomorrow to post this, it will have a different timestamp, and it's possible I won't be able to post it with the same sense of optimism, because maybe far-right factions will have already tried to blow up the White House or something. 

But on January 20th in Australia, I am indeed hopeful about the future now that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will officially begin the roles they were elected to perform last November. 

I suppose I could try to link this in to movies somehow. I could quote this movie about presidents or that movie about presidents, or just talk about movies that leave me with a huge sense of optimism. 

But let's not stretch things too much. Let's just bear witness. Let's just look ahead to a brighter future.

Goodbye, you fascist jerk. Hello, tomorrow.

Literally and figuratively.  

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