Monday, February 15, 2021

No Valentine's movies for anyone

It's Valentine's Day, but is it really?

Actually, it isn't really in Australia -- that was yesterday. But for North Americans and Europeans reading this, it still is, or might still be, if you are reading this soon after I post it. 

Or sort of is not.

COVID is still running rampant many places around the world, and the timing is such that even a place where it hasn't been lately -- Victoria, the state that houses such metropolitan areas as Melbourne, Geelong, Ballarat and Bendigo, and the state where I currently live -- is about halfway through a five-day lockdown caused by a breach at one of our quarantine hotels.

So even here people aren't feeling very Valentines-y this year. 

When I asked my wife if she wanted to watch "something special" on Sunday night, she said, "You mean you want to watch a romantic comedy?"

"Yeah, I guess no," I said.

And I really didn't want to. I wasn't feeling it. 

Valentine's Day is not a big deal in our household anyway, as my wife's birthday is just five days later. We usually at least mark it with cards, sometimes the occasional chocolate or two and probably a yummy dinner, cooked on our own stove. This year, we ordered takeout from a local Mexican restaurant. It's yummy Mexican and was, indeed, our one gesture toward Valentine's Day this year. Oh, and I wore a red shirt, which is my custom. 

The other gesture we usually make is to watch a romantic comedy. Last year, for example, was a real win with my second and her first viewing of Always Be My Maybe

This year?  

At least we went for something that would put a smile on our faces: the third-to-last episode of Schitt's Creek, the end of which we are drawing out as long as possible. As two of the main characters are preparing for their wedding, it at least had a chance to be romantic, though this particular episode was not.

Later, I watched the sci-fi movie Synchronic, which was not romantic either.

Onward and upward.

If you're enjoying a traditional Valentine's Day, more power to you. Let's all get vaccinated and meet back here this time next year to watch Sleepless in Seattle

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