Friday, April 23, 2021

Ask me if I care that the Oscars are this weekend

Spoiler alert: No, I do not care.

That's a big change for me. Granted, my enthusiasm for the actual show has waned in recent years -- maybe even recent decades -- as the nominations themselves hold more interest than who actually wins.

But it still gets my hackles up when cinephiles tell me they don't care about the Oscars. Even if you think dog and pony shows are bullshit, you should care about this particular dog and pony show. I mean, it's the Oscars.

This year? I'm one of those people.

My usual higher level of enthusiasm has been steadily eroded by the issues facing our world, including COVID, racism and the election -- only one of which is actually now in our rearview mirror. But what really killed it was the whole "Oscar hopefuls can be released until the end of February" thing. I've griped about it before. You don't need me to rehash that now.

And yet ... and yet.

And yet I've studiously gone to the theater to see the three best picture nominees I hadn't seen. Minari came first back on March 16th, followed by Judas and the Black Messiah eight days later. Rounding out the trio was The Father just last week, and it's almost given me a new favorite film in the best picture race -- almost. I think I still give the edge to Sound of Metal, but The Father is now my #2.

To illustrate what has put me off about the Academy's extended deadline, though, The Father is currently my #1 movie ... of 2021. 

And yet ... and yet.

And yet I will probably watch on Monday my time just as I always do. In fact, it occurred to me that since I'm working from home, I might be able to watch it in real time. Oh wait, I'm actually going into the office for the first time in about 400 days on Monday. Go figure. Not the office, but an office -- a new office actually. Long story I won't get into now. (I didn't get a new job, but my job moved, and is requiring partial attendance as of Monday.)

And because I'm a creature of habit, I'm sure I will write my usual Oscar wrap-up post like I always do. I hate myself sometimes.

So I don't really care, but I will still go through the motions. 

Because hey, it's the Oscars.

Some dog and pony shows just demand your respect. 


  1. I'd admire you doing at least part of your Oscar-watching diligence. I just sort of sluffed it off, watched a few I really, really wanted to check out but let the rest go. I feel this post. I don't much care either. But also, like you, I'll be watching. I actually thought for a second, "What if I don't watch?" But I immediately knew it was a lie.

    You made me want to check out "The Father" anyway.

  2. Yes, not watching the Oscars is not possible for people like us. You have to bear witness.

    It's appropriate that you read this as I feel like I was channeling you with my use of "And yet" in this post. :-)

    The Father read to me as one of those common Oscar occurrences that we most often see in the best actress category (and may this year as well with Pieces of a Woman, though I haven't seen that), where the performance is great but it's kind of a nothing movie. Well, suffice it to say I got a hell of a lot more out of The Father than that, and not only because we have Alzheimer's in my own family.
