Monday, February 14, 2022

Watching this movie/magic show/self-help thingy on Valentine's Day

The thing I know about Derek Delgaudio's In & of Itself is that you're not supposed to know anything about Derek Delgaudio's In & of Itself. 

I'm not even sure if the title is properly listed with or without the words "Derek Delgaudio" in it, so I've done it both ways in the opening sentence.

Of course, you can't know nothing about a movie, if this is even properly considered a movie. It runs an hour and 30 minutes so it already fits my definition in at least one way. From what I heard discussed on podcasts last year, this is what I do know:

1) Derek Delgaudio may or may not be a magician;

2) This may or may not be a magic show;

3) I believe there is an audience and there is some sort of interaction with the audience;

4) People in that audience, and in the viewing audience at home, tend to cry, possibly multiple times, while watching this magic show or not-magic show;

5) Some other people think the whole thing is manipulative.

This is what I got out of discussions of it on The Slate Culture Gabfest and Binge or Purge.

So, I have no idea if it has anything whatsoever to do with love, but we are watching it on Valentine's Day.

It was my wife's suggestion, after I first told her it was now available on Disney+ through the "Star" wing, which I think is the one that has all these movies that don't seem to be related to the Disney monolith. For a millionth of a second I considered quibbling that it was not the makings of a Valentine's Day viewing -- simply because I had no reason to think it was -- but it's so increasingly rare that she'll sit down for a movie with me, I'll take anything I can get. Even if it doesn't end up being a movie.

In truth, I'm pretty desperate to watch this, as I've spent on the order of a year being intrigued by it. I can't remember when I first heard of In & of Itself, but it was a while ago -- within 2021, but early 2021 I think. (The poster above says January 22, so that tracks.) For a long time it wasn't available on any service I had access to, but that's changed now.

In truth, the timing couldn't be better. Since I won't know until after I've seen it whether I think it qualifies as a movie, I'm now in a position where that discussion can be largely academic (as if it isn't always academic). I won't have to consider whether to include it or not on my 2021 film rankings. I already had one very highly ranked film whose status as a film was questioned by a lot of people, and even though I feel comfortable with my logic for calling my #2 movie of 2021, Bo Burnham: Inside, a movie, having another such problematic title would have started to throw off my equilibrium.

If I weren't interested for a dozen other reasons, I'd be interested because this guy's name is Derek, and that's my name. He even spells it right.

Whether this thing, whatever it is, prompts me to write a follow-up post tomorrow or not, I can't say at this point. If I don't think of it as a movie, probably not. If I do think of it as a movie, maybe. If I do think of it is a movie and I think it makes for a good viewing on Valentine's Day -- which will still be in the future for much of my reading audience -- then I'll be almost certain to chime back in saying so, no matter how many other completed posts I may have waiting in the queue. (Current count: five.)

Derek the maybe-magician, I'm in your hands.

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