Thursday, November 24, 2022

I can't let Weird go by

In continuing this past week's theme of all the 2022 movies that are still on my Letterboxd watchlist, I concluded over the weekend that some of them -- many of them? -- would just not get watched before my January 24th deadline and there was little I could do about that.

But I really don't want one of them to be Weird.

I'm at the point in my movie podcast listening where they are all now talking about Weird. And without exception, all loving it. It feels like a movie I especially need given recent conversations I've had with other cinephiles about how funny movies are in short supply these days. (No, I'm not blaming woke culture. I'm blaming risk averse studios and a lack of ideas by writers.)

If you live in the U.S., Weird is easy to watch. Sure it's on a streaming channel nobody has heard of -- The Roku Channel? -- but it's actually free to watch, so the obscurity of its platform is irrelevant. 

Here in Australia, though, we can't get The Roku Channel. Which means I can't get Weird.

Now, there's a simple solution that was once part of my standard operating procedure as an Australian viewer. Back when we first moved here in 2013, Netflix had yet to become available, though that would change within a year. Before it did become available, we continued to access our U.S. Netflix account using a VPN.

But it's been seven or eight years now since I needed to do anything like that, as the things I needed steadily became available, and the things I didn't need were easy enough to drop.

But I can't drop Weird.

Or, in any case, I don't want to.

Will I get back on the VPN bus just to watch Weird? Or will Roku find a local Australian partner to make this available to me before my ranking deadline?

I've got exactly two months to figure it out. 

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