Saturday, January 7, 2023

The first movie of 2023 is super derivative

Don't worry, I haven't started in on 2023 movies just yet. I still have 17 days to go before I finish watching 2022 movies and then give myself a several-week break from them.

But the interwebs have been a-chatter with the movie you see here, the first out of the gate in 2023.

(And to prove people are eager to see it, that drive-in in California that I can't stop writing about has it playing as both halves of the double feature on two different screens.)

The question about M3GAN, produced by Jason Blum and with a story by James Wan, is whether it is more derivative of this:

or this:

Of course, plot-wise, it would be the former. But just because it came out more than 20 years ago, don't think we've forgotten about this Al Pacino classic also named after a female AI with numbers as part of her name. 

The odd thing is that even though M3GAN's title has that 3 in it wherever you look, on IMDB and elsewhere, the poster itself does not. Or in any case, you can't tell whether it's a 3 or an E. In fact, it looks more like an E. You have to see the movie discussed in print to realize that of course it's a 3, because they couldn't resist.

Shit, now all the scammers now that we replace the E's with 3's in our passwords. (My current work password has a couple E's that are 3's.) People named Megan in particular need to get on changing those ASAP.

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