Sunday, December 17, 2023

Apple has dumb ideas about the name of Gran Turismo

Last night I got through a little more than half of Neill Blomkamp's Gran Turismo. That's been a bit of a pattern the last few weekends. Exhausted from the day, start watching a movie at close to ten o'clock and then take a loooong nap in the middle. Then wake up around 1 and have the good sense not to try to watch the remaining hour of the movie before going to bed. I mean, the next day is going to involve more buying of presents.

I haven't watched enough of the movie to tell you what I ultimately thought of it, but I have watched enough of the movie to laugh about what Apple thinks this movie is called.

On my iTunes rental, I noticed the full title was Gran Turismo: Based on a True Story.

Oh brother.

Is this an Apple thing? The last time I wrote a post about the silly titles Apple gives movies was when I told you I refused to call the Michael J. Fox documentary by its complete title Still: A Michael J. Fox Movie. I'm still at Still on that one.

Not all instances of title lengthening are ones I disregard. I was all in on Precious: Based on the Novel 'Push' by Sapphire. It was just weird enough that I allowed it.

But the Based on a True Story part of Gran Turismo is come by dishonestly.

When the title flashes up on screen, it's only Gran Turismo. About five seconds later, you get in block letters: "BASED ON A TRUE STORY." Which is a pretty standard disclaimer -- is disclaimer the right word? -- at the start of a movie.

Why someone decided to incorporate this into the proper title, I have no idea. To distinguish the movie from the Playstation game on which it was based, I guess? But even in the poster above, you can see it is a tagline more than part of the title. 

As usual in these cases, I go to IMDB and Letterboxd to get a final ruling. Fortunately, they're both with me on this one. No Based on a True Story to be found in either title. 

They do both go with the longer title of Still, so I guess maybe I need to re-think that one.

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