Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Werewolves not swearwolves -- nor cookies

When I first heard the title of the werewolf movie Ginger Snaps, I thought it was a play on the name of that old cookie -- and then seeing that the title character had red hair just gave it another layer of meaning. (The "swearwolves" reference in the title is just a quick and loving nod to What We Do in the Shadows, which will make no further appearances in this post.)

But as I was watching, I realized there is a third meaning, and it comes if you say the title as a sentence.

This is a movie about a character snapping -- and boy does she ever.

She doesn't snap the way the title character of Carrie snaps, where she's taken as much abuse as she can take and then she starts fucking shit up. But Ginger does get bitten by a werewolf, which means she becomes a werewolf, which means she has indeed "snapped" and taken leave of what tethers her to her sanity/reality.

I wasn't sure if I was enjoying this movie's low budge vibe at the start, but I did get into it and ended up liking it quite a bit by the end.

What role my third interpretation of the title played in that enjoyment, I cannot say for sure. 

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