Thursday, June 20, 2024

iTunes brain lapse

There's a first time for everything, and the first time for forgetting I'd rented a movie and then letting its 30-day rental period expire was on Tuesday night.

Or, some unknown time before that, but Tuesday was when I discovered it.

I'd gone on iTunes to rent Celtic Pride -- which I wrote about yesterday -- only to get the message "The rental period for 'La Chimera' has expired."

I'd forgotten I'd even rented La Chimera.

It looks like I just missed it, as the receipt I received to my email for the rental came in on May 19th. This was June 18th. So it had expired within the last 24 hours, maybe less than that.

I doubt I would have watched it if I'd discovered this the night before, as coming home from 90 minutes of tennis, after a day I'd been in the office (and a night I'd not slept well), was not my ideal viewing circumstances for this acclaimed but likely challenging film. A film that's been on my radar for so long I think I was hearing about it in 2022, yet it still qualifies as a 2024 release.

Having blown this rental, I'm not sure how keen I am to rent it again right away. 

Maybe I can just let its release year ambiguity -- I guess it's really only been a year on my radar as it debuted at Cannes in 2023 -- take it out of contention for this year, and I'll just watch it when it shows up on Kanopy or something in a year or two.

Or maybe it'll be so good that it's worth double the rental fee.

In any case, I feel dumb about this, especially as it has never actually happened to me before. I may have run out of time on a rental due to unforeseen circumstances after leaving it too late, but never have I entirely forgotten I'd rented the movie in the first place.

The onset of Alzheimer's? Or maybe just too distracted by the NBA Finals?

At this point, given the glorious outcome of that event, it doesn't really matter to me, any more than to just write this post and move on. 

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