Sunday, September 4, 2022

My son knows me

It's Father's Day here in Australia. That's right, the first Sunday in September.

And the portrait you see here was among the gifts lavished upon me, which also included a water bottle holder and phone holder for my bike, a hamper full of my favorite foods, pastries for breakfast and a charcuterie board for lunch.

I'm posting this picture for two reasons, only one of which applies to a movie blog:

1) I'm incredibly proud of the young artist my eight-year-old is becoming. Look at that work! You may not know what I look like, but this captures my essence very well. (It looks like I wear glasses, which I don't; those are sunglasses, or "sunnies" as they call them here.)

2) He drew/painted me wearing my Step Brothers t-shirt, which I only just had occasion to write about here.

As my wife pointed out, he even remembered the detail of the fancy trim that surrounds the portrait of Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly.

On this Father's Day, I'll quick take a pause from the movie marathon they've allowed me to undertake in my garage -- more on that in later posts -- to tell you how grateful I am to have a family who knows me, gets me, and indulges all the things that make me who I am.

That's the best present any dad could get.

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