Saturday, February 24, 2024

A steady progression toward my demise

You know those movie characters who get injured a number of times during the course of the movie, so when they do finally get killed once and for all, you don't feel as great a sense of loss because they were already 85% of the way there anyway?

I kind of feel like this is me since I turned 50. 

First there was the loss of my big toenail on my left foot last November, followed five days later by the breaking of that same toe, which I discussed in this post. This was about three weeks after my birthday, mind you.

Then a few weeks ago, I fell while climbing up a ladder from the water at a pier near my house. I won't get into all the details, but let's just say that a kid behind me literally nipping at my toes caused me to hurry and lose my grip. Fortunately, he was alright. I was not. Even though I thought it was a clean fall, broken nicely by the water, the next day I noticed pains in my left hip, thigh and knee. Yes, that's the same leg as the repeatedly abused toe, whose nail is now a hideous sight that I cover with a bandaid anytime I'm at the beach or in mixed company who are going to have to stare at this monstrosity. Anyway, it took nearly three weeks to feel like I'm close to 100%, although I still have some numbness in my heel and some pain in my ankle that I think were side effects of the original injuries.

What prompted me to write this post, though, was that yesterday, I hurt my back just walking across the room in my house. 

I have no idea what caused this injury. I didn't step wrong. I didn't run into anything. All the sudden it just screamed out at me, and I ended up rubbing some Deep Heat on it.

Just put me out of my misery, already.

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