Monday, September 23, 2024

Dark Mondays

It's actually been dark for a whole week around here, as I haven't posted anything since last Monday. Time to get up something new. 

The term "Dark Mondays" is a theater term, referring to the night of the week when there are no performances. Theater people need one night off, for crying out loud. So it is literally "dark" as the lights never go up.

I've been starting to consider recently how this term has also come to apply to my movie viewing. Namely, if there's a night when I need to take off from watching movies, Monday makes a good time to do it. (He says, as he sits here writing this on a Monday night instead of watching a movie.)

There are a couple reasons for this:

1) After jamming movies in all weekend, maybe as many as four since Friday, I'm tired and need a break.

2) Monday night has been the night I've been playing tennis with a friend of mine, though we will be changing that night in the coming weeks. While it's possible to watch a movie after 90 minutes of tennis, it's not ideal.

3) Monday is also the night when I might have had a weird night's sleep the night before because I woke up at all hours of the night to watch the final day of my fantasy baseball matchup. (At least that's over now, as I got knocked out of the playoffs this time last week.)

So yeah, Monday is a good night to refresh and then be ready to go again on Tuesday.

But I decided just assuming this was the case from recent experience was not good enough. Maybe it'd had been a minute since I'd done a "project" on this blog, and though this hardly qualifies, it did take about 30 minutes to count up.

So yes, I went through and counted up the 227 movies I've watched in 2024 -- both new movies and rewatches -- to see which days were the most represented, and which the least, and what that told me about the rest of my viewing habits, in addition to Mondays.

Mondays did come in with the fewest. Today is the 40th Monday of 2024, and I've watched movies on exactly half of them for a total of 20. Actually, it's really less than that, because there were several Mondays where I watched two movies -- something I'm much more likely to do on a Monday after a long weekend. So it might have been as few as 14 of the 40 Mondays. 

But Wednesday only had a few more than that with 24. The logic here is a little less clear, except that if I did watch a movie on the Monday and Tuesday of that week, it was definitely time for a break on Wednesday.

Given the number of Mondays I've taken off, it's no big surprise that Tuesday is my third highest total with 30. These three days don't hold a candle to the weekend or weekend adjacent days, though.

Thursday is the next highest total with 36 movies watched out of a possible 39 Thursdays. (We haven't yet had a Thursday this week, which is why there is one less.) Thursday is the release night for new movies in Australia, so if there's something I'm really looking forward to, I'll make the effort to get out on opening night, especially if there's a chance I can review it to post it the next day. 

Friday, Saturday and Sunday are about equally split, with 39, 38 and 40, respectively. And no, that does not mean I've watched a movie every single Sunday this year, especially since we have not yet had our 40th Sunday. There were some Sundays I watched two. But it's pretty clear that I view Sunday night as my last hurrah of the weekend, my last chance to see something with the comparative relaxation of the weekend still resting my mind. Plus I might have gone out on Friday or Saturday night, hence missing that viewing night, though it's rare that I'm out on a Sunday.

Mondays will presumably be a little less dark as the year starts to reach its conclusion, as I need to fit in whatever movies I can before my list closes. I'm not there yet -- in fact, I forced myself to randomly watch Saving Silverman from 2001 last night, in part because I'd been overloading on 2024 movies -- but I'll get there soon enough.

And now that I've broken my week-long blogging drought, I hope to give you some more fresh thoughts this week, especially since it's school holidays, when everything slows down a bit -- especially at my work in the department of education. 

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