Three weeks ago, my reservation finally came in.
Three weeks later, I have to return it unwatched because
there are two more pending reservations for it.
That’s a lot of interest in a movie that turns 80 years old this
I don’t know whether it’s because the library has too few
copies of it, or because indeed people are seeing the 80th
anniversary as an occasion to revisit the movie and show their kids, but this
movie is just a damn hot property in the Melbourne Public Library system. We’re
showing our kids, but the 80th has nothing to do with it, given that
I first tried to reserve it last year. It’s a BluRay, but I figure that
probably has little effect on its popularity.
Now, I strongly suspect my attempt to reserve it was not
delayed because there were 20 people ahead of me on the reservation list – you can
check that and I believe it was four or five at the most – but rather because
somebody lost it behind their couch. I believe this copy, possibly the only
copy, of The Wizard of Oz was caught
in some kind of purgatory that went beyond the normal
rental-renewal-reservation cycle. It had to be. And the person who lost it
would have owed the library tens of dollars upon returning it, though among the
other saintly things the Melbourne libraries do is randomly wave off fees now
and again, especially if they become excessively large.
The movie is due on Friday, and that means I won’t have
another Sunday night – the time we traditionally watch movies as a family –
before it’s due. So, back to my spot in the queue, to starting that six-month
cycle all over again.
And then I thought: Why not just return it late? They will
probably wave off the fee anyway.
And if they don’t, well, 35 cents will have been a worthy
cost to show my kids one of the all-time family classics.
Why it’s so popular – I mean, so much more popular than all
the other popular cinematic classics – I may never know. You’d think it would
be pretty available elsewhere. I only hope it’s as popular with my kids on
Sunday as it seems to be with the citizens of Melbourne at large.
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