Of the baseball season, silly.
I had to watch my Opening Day Eve baseball psych-up movie a night early this year, which was two nights ago now, because I'm out of town on another baseball-related endeavor: a three-day tournament for over 40 players. This is just a once-a-year thing for me since I no longer play regularly, and we'll see if it's just a one-off or actually once-a-year since it's my first time.
You've figured out the movie I watched if you're good at reading movie posters. Or in this case, DVD covers.
Yes it's John Badham's The Bingo Long Traveling All-Stars & Motor Kings (1976), and if you're wondering why I'm saying that I've "finally" seen this movie you may have never heard of, well, I'm about to tell you.
Nearly 30 years ago, in the second of an eventual four fantasy baseball leagues in which I've participated -- this is the 16th year of my current one -- a friend from college named his fantasy baseball team after this movie. His last name was, still is, Bond, so he called his team The Bondo Long Traveling All-Stars & Motor Kings. (Yes, I believe the software we used gave him a sufficient character count to fit the whole thing.)
Like you, I had never heard of the movie, but the naming of his team after it certainly piqued my interest.
And then I proceeded to do nothing about that for the next three decades.
But this year I thought "I like baseball" and "I need a movie to watch the night before the baseball season starts, and I've watched a movie I'd already seen in that slot like three straight years, and this is a movie I have not seen" and I put two and two together.
There were a lot of things I enjoyed about this story of a barnstorming Negro League baseball team in the late 1930s/early 1940s, and it starts with the cast. Especially with the recent passing of James Earl Jones, it was great to see him up there on the screen with the long-passed Richard Pryor and the still-with-us Billy Dee Williams. I bet the first of that group and the last of that group would never have guessed they'd appear on screen together, of sorts, in one of the most iconic movies of its era, The Empire Strikes Back, just four years later. Maybe if Richard Pryor had played Lobot, we could have had a full reunion.
Right away I knew I was where I wanted to be with this movie -- and that the fact that I have never seen a movie that properly focuses on the Negro Leagues is an oversight I seriously needed to correct. Then again, maybe they just do not exist. Yes, movies like 42 spend some time in a Negro League context, but a movie about the Negro Leagues generally or any specific Negro League team? Other than this, I can't name one.
Before Williams' title character forms the titular team, the players he amasses are either on other Negro League teams or not on any team at all, working regular jobs despite their ample talent. We see Long, a pitcher, facing off against Jones' slugger Leon Carter in one game, and we are immediately immersed in all the on-field rituals: players leading chants with the crowd, people juggling baseballs and otherwise clowning, sass flying freely between players on opposing teams (or sometimes even the same team) without the umpires interfering. In other words, it was a joyous environment in which competition was taken seriously but fun was never sacrificed. I would have loved to be there in those stands.
And if I was, I would have been one of the only white faces. Because the other thing this movie immediately reminded me was how much Black Americans used to love baseball. We see how much the crowd adores these players and this pastime, and then we go out to the sandlots outside the park to see young kids pitching and swinging a makeshift stick to approximate their heroes. The fact that a sport that was once somewhere around 50% Black, probably reaching its height in the 1970s and 1980s, now has 5% or less players fitting that demographic is sad indeed. I wish Black kids still fell in love with baseball at an early age the way they obviously did back then. This could also be why we haven't had a younger Black filmmaker make the definitive Negro League baseball movie, which could be an excellent project in the right hands.
But let's not get sidetracked by the negative. This is a highly enjoyable, episodic adventure in which the titular team travels through the south in a couple fancy cars bearing their name, which they parade down the streets of the towns they are visiting to great interest by the locals, sometimes even getting out of the cars and hot-stepping it down main street in a synchronized group. At least, that is, when the cars are not being repossessed as payment for hotels and the like, as the team becomes cash poor through mishaps and usury by the people they encounter. Since they are trying to fight the Negro League owners who use and abuse them -- one of whom docks from their salary in order to pay for team financial needs for which they are not responsible -- they are constantly playing David to someone else's Goliath, even as they are always putting on a great show and presenting a great brand of the sport.
Even as this movie is always fun, it doesn't shy away from the realities of racism in the south and elsewhere in the U.S. at this time. We hear the N-word dropped on multiple occasions here, though because it was a different time, the usage is more incidental than employed specifically to drive home these racists' perniciousness. Badham and company want to show what these guys were up against, but also that it did not overly dampen their spirits. After all, it was just their reality, nothing exceptional.
As I watched this team go through its antics and have a hell of a lot of fun out there -- plus employ "novelty" players like a one-armed first baseball and a little person catcher (who is actually credited as "Midget Catcher") -- I was reminded of what the Harlem Globetrotters provide us nowadays. (Yes, I believe they are still touring, though obviously with new membership.) Black athletes have a history of being great entertainers, and if we ever see one of them showboating in a way that may seem out of sync with our modern ideas of how athletes should comport themselves, we should remember the sort of lovely history we see in The Bingo Long Traveling All-Stars & Motor Kings, and that they came by it honestly.