If you're like me, you thought June 25th would never arrive.
But here it finally is. Which means they can finally stop promoting the fuck out of Grown Ups.
It's not the number of television commercials, billboards, or advertisements plastered on the sides of buses that have been excessive. That's been about in line with industry standards.
No, it's that you can't go anywhere without seeing Kevin James, Adam Sandler, Chris Rock, Rob Schneider and David Spade, in some combination, but most often all five together.
They've been at baby christenings. They've been smashing bottles of champagne against the hulls of ships. They've been cutting the ribbons outside of malls. They've been offering their expertise on how to solve the BP crisis in the Gulf of Mexico.
It's enough to drive a person crazy.
They say the more something is relentlessly promoted, the less good it probably is, so watch out for this one. In light of recent discussions we've had on this blog, I'm trying to withhold judgment on films I haven't seen yet. But it doesn't mean I can't talk about some bad indicators, and the indicators are all bad for Grown Ups right now.
The fivesome you see here literally started promoting this movie back in Febr

I suppose NBA fans, like myself, were subjected to an extra large dose of the Grown Ups. Not only was the movie one of the sponsors for the TV coverage of the basketball playoffs, but almost all of these guys seem to have been Lakers fans with courtside seats, independent of any promotional tie-in. Of course, in the actual tie-ins -- there was one they played constantly, where the five guys sat around talking about great championship teams -- Sandler wore his Knicks jersey, and they didn't betray any specific biases for any current playoff teams. But whether they were biased toward any particular team or not, they were still ubiquitous.
Another reason why it seems so sad, that they've been working so hard for this movie, is that it really does seem like a lazy project in which three successful comic actors are trying to lift up two unsuccessful ones. It's no secret that Rock, Sandler, Schneider and Spade were all friends from their Saturday Night Live days -- in fact, I've read that Kevin James felt like quite the fifth wheel, with no SNL war stories to tell. But two of those guys seem to be slumming in order to help out the other two. It shouldn't be too hard to figure out who's who in this scenario. As for James, well, I guess this is about in line with the other movies he's been making. But he definitely has more going on in general than Schneider and Spade (oops, I mentioned their names).
Anyway, hopefully, today it all ends. Or at least tones down a bit. You often continue to see ads for movies for a week or two after they've hit theaters. But at least these five will probably no longer be weighing in on Stanley McChrystal or discussing their picks for the World Cup.
And just so I don't have to leave Grown Ups on a totally destitute note, I will say that I absolutely love the poster for this movie. Not only is it perfectly composed, showing all five stars with their varying levels of importance (though I might argue that Rock and James should change places based on their current career fortunes), but it also tells you what the movie's about in one perfect image: Five guys who haven't grown up. I also like it for its originality, as it may just be the first movie poster ever to feature guys on a waterslide.
Don't worry, deep down I instantly pass judgement every time I see the name of either david Spade or Rob Schnieder on a poster. When they are both on there together, all faith and hope is lost.
'Grown ups' was on my to see list, but given the awful ratings on IMDB and especially rottentomatoes(currently a lackluster 8 percent, out of 100!) , I'll be giving it a miss.
Looks like a turkey, although bad reviews sometimes spread like wild fire. Remember how 'All about steve' was almost universally panned?
Mike - I was trying to think of a movie with either Spade or Schneider in it that I liked more than a little bit, and I came up empty. Schneider has had bit parts in some good(-ish) Sandler movies, but I don't really think that counts. One of the worst movies I have ever seen has both of them in it: Benchwarmers. Absolutely idiotic.
MAS365 - I'm just curious if I am interpreting your comment correctly ... are you saying that All About Steve was universally panned, but you actually thought it was good? I had it as a free rental from the library this week, but had to return it before I could watch it.
I didn't think 'All about steve' was as bad as the reviews said it was. It was poor, but I have seen far worse.
Probably Sandra Bullock is not the worst, or the best actress in 2010, but kind of an average one. But someone HAS to win each award every year, Oscar or raspberry.
I have a 'bandwagon' theory. 'The Road' by Cormac McCarthy is an example of a 'bandwagon' love for his book by reviewers and many readers, who mostly follow suit, because they believe its special due to hype/pulitzer prize/other reviewers. I think C. McCarthy is extremely overrated, if you google 'The Road', it's named among the most overrated novels ever.(some liked it though, but I can't think why)
In the same way, nearly all the reviewers said Avatar lacked story. (I have compared 'Blade Runner' & Avatar in my 'Blade Runner' review, if you are interested)
Its ok to agree that something is bad. But I hate it when people go with the flow and don't think for themselves.
i kind like adam sandler and chris rock, but it's probably enough to look at the poster to have seen the movie.
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