But she doesn't have much luck being construed the way she wants to be.
I was drawn to an article on Moviefone titled "Anna Kendrick, What to Expect When You're Expecting Star, Relieved to No Longer Be In Twilight." While that may be a needlessly complicated and frankly awful headline, it did the job of getting me to read the article. After all, I liked the sentiment. I have always thought that Kendrick was better than Twilight. You could say I have a little bit of a crush on her, which is funny, because she's been in a couple movies I haven't been a huge fan of (Rocket Science, 50/50). I didn't even love Up in the Air like most people did.
Anyway, I love the fact that they're making Kendrick out to be basically embarrassed about her involvement with the Twilight saga. Even if it's not entirely accurate.
Here's how it really went down:
Interviewer: How does it feel to not be involved in the final Twilight movie?
Kendrick: It’s a relief, you know? Because it’s kind of off my shoulders [in terms of] talking about it. Because talking about it I always feel like I say something that gets misconstrued or I offend someone because people are so deeply passionate about that series. So, I’m actually sort of happy to be not talking about it.
Well, nice try not talking about it, Anna. And good luck being construed better next time.
Anna Kendrick was the only element of those movies I actually liked. Also, she is irresistibly charming and adorable. I want to see her in more movies.
You also didn't like 50/50? Glad there was someone else on the planet who agrees with me.
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